Contracts under Common Law
Maîtriser la rédaction et la négociation des contrats anglo-saxons
Acquérir le vocabulaire des contrats anglo-saxons
Modifier son raisonnement face à un droit qui n’a pas de Code civil
Rédiger en anglais les clauses les plus sensibles et valider ses pratiques
Toute personne ayant à travailler sur des contrats rédigés en anglais
Developing a mutual understanding despite legal terminology
Civil Law vs Common Law: differences between the Common Law approach to contract law from that employed by the Civil Law
- Uniform Commercial Code/ Statute law/ case law
Drafting effective definition and boiler-plates clauses
- Legal terminology
- The language of contracts
- The role of definitions
- The significance of « whereas » clauses
Exercise: drafting clauses – the devil is in the detail, managing legalese
Opening, conducting and closing negotiations: the role of the lawyer in contract negotiations
Preliminary stages of a transaction
- Handling initial contacts: writing a NDA that works for you
- Negotiation with Anglo-Saxon partners : know the cultural differences
- Drafting preliminary documents: MOU, LOI …; staying on the “safe” non-binding side of a transaction
- Breaking off negotiations without liability
Exercise: drafting and negotiation sessions, drafting an LOI
Drafting sensitive clauses
- Conditions precedent and subsequent
- Representations and warranties
- Consequences of breach
- Dealing with force majeure events and hardship
The term of the contract
- Determining the term of the contract
- Expiration of the contract
- Auto-renewal of the contract
- Discharge of the contract
- Entirety clauses
Style workshop and contract drafting
- Drafting representations, warranties and indemnity clauses
- Non-compete clauses
Contractual risk management and limitations of liability
Contractual risks commonly encountered
- Liquidated damages
- Underlying premises of the Common Law
Contractual management of liability
- Exclusion/limitation of liability
- Legal and public policy constraints
Exercise: drafting and negotiation sessions, dealing with liability, hardship manage your "frustration", taking liability into your own hands
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Un consultant expert de la thématique et une équipe pédagogique en support du stagiaire pour toute question en lien avec son parcours de formation.
Techniques pédagogiques :
Alternance de théorie, de démonstrations par l’exemple et de mise en pratique grâce à de nombreux exercices individuels ou collectifs. Exercices, études de cas et cas pratiques rythment cette formation.
Ressources pédagogiques :
Un support de formation présentant l'essentiel des points vus durant la formation et proposant des éléments d'approfondissement est téléchargeable sur notre plateforme.